1/2″ x .020 x 7200 ft. x 600 lb Break Polyester Strapping


Price Per Carton

Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 $120.00
2 - 3 9.17 % $109.00
4 - 5 16.67 % $100.00
6+ 20 % $96.00
SKU: 20291 Category:

Extruded Polyester (PET) Our Extruded Polyester Strapping (PET) is a viable alternative to steel, even for demanding industries like lumber, construction and shipping. The advantages are clear. First and foremost, Extruded Poly Strapping is safe and easy to use – with break strengths up to 1600 lbs for heavy-duty loads. It’s also a lot more cost-effective than steel. A switch to Extruded Polyester from Steel can provide up to 25% in savings! Extruded Polyester also offers greater levels of efficiency than steel, with high initial tension levels and high-retained tension levels. Basically, it’s flexible when you need it to be while still holding firm, keeping your products held in place. It elongates less and is stronger than plastics like polypropylene and retains its tension over a longer period of time. With only around 2% elongation in normal work conditions, polyester will recover tension levels, staying tight around cargo even if the load settles or shrinks in size! The Benefits of Extruded Polyester Straps include:

  • Safer than steel banding
  • Savings up to 25% when compared to steel banding
  • Lightweight
  • Break Strengths up to 1600 lbs
  • Roll lengths up to 9000’
  • Easy to seal
  • Nick resistant
  • Will not rust or stain your products
  • Retains tension, with elongation memory
  • Machine-grade and hand grade options
  • Weather resistant to extreme heat or cold
  • Easy to recycle and dispose of Extruded Polyester Strapping is available in both machine grade and hand grade options. Since it’ made s from 100% polyester, it’s easy to recycle and dispose of.
  • Black Polyester Strapping (16″ x 6″ Coil)
  • Cost effective safer replacement for steel strapping.
  • Weighs 1/3 the weight of steel with no sharp edges.
  • Use with our Serrated Seals, Tensioner/Sealer or a Battery Operated CombinationTool.
  • Low Elongation Poly Strapping.
Weight 42 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 24 × 6 in
Master Case Pack

Case Pack



7200 ft.



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